Microwave assisted combustion synthesis of photolumiescent ZnAl2O4: Eu nano powders

AuthorsMM Golsheikh - AM Arabi - MS Afarani
JournalMaterials Research Express
Page number125052
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2019
Journal GradeISI
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountryIran, Islamic Republic Of


<p>In the present study, ZnAl<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub>:Eu nano particles were synthesized via microwave assisted combustion route using aluminium nitrate nonahydrate, and zinc nitrate hexahydrate as starting materials, and ethylene glycol, glycine, glucose and citric acid as fuels. Effect of different parameters such as calcination temperature, fuel type, oxidizer to fuel (O:F) ratio and Eu dopant concentration on the structure, microstructure, photoluminescence and optical properties was studied. Results showed that these parameters can strongly affect structure, microstructure, and consequently photoluminescent properties. As-synthesized samples were amorphous and must be post-heated up to 900 &deg;C to form crystalline phase. Moreover, morphology of nano particles was sponge plate- like with using different fuels. Furthermore, photoluminesce emission at red region was observed by introducing Eu.</p>

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