1 | A Bromide Ion-Selective Polymeric Membrane Electrode Based on a Benozo-Derivative Xanthenium Bromide Salt | M. Shamsipur - S. Rouhani - A. Mohajeri - M. R. Ganjali and P. Rashidi-Ranjbar | Analytical Chemistry | 2000 |
2 | A Dual Colorimetric and Fluorometric Anion Sensor Based on Polymerizable 1, 8-Naphthalimide Dye | P. Alaei - Sh. Rouhani - K. Gharanjig.Prog | Color, Colorants and Coatings Journal | 2013 |
3 | A Fluorescence Quenching Study of Naphthalimide Dye by Graphene: Mechanism and Thermodynamic Properties | Sanaz Seraj - Shohre Rouhani | Journal of Fluorescence | 2017 |
4 | A New Polymerizable Fluorescent PET Chemosensor of Fluoride (F-) Based on Naphtalimide-Thioureadye | Parvaneh Alaei - Shohre Rouhani - Kamaladin Gharanjig - Jahanbakhsh Ghasemi | Spectrochimica Acta, Part A | 2012 |
5 | A New reusable mercury-sensitive turn-on nano-chemosensor based on functionalized CoFe2O4@ SiO2 magnetic nanocomposite | M. Gharagozlou – S. Rouhani | Progress in Color, Colorants and Coatings | 2022 |
6 | A Novel Electrochemical Sensor for Sunset Yellow based on a Platinum Wire Coated Electrode | ShohreRouhani | Analytical Letters | 2009 |
7 | A novel fluorescence nanosensor based on 1, 8-naphthalimide-thiophene doped silica nanoparticles, and its application to the determination of methamphetamine | S. Rouhani - S. Haghgoo | Sensors and Actuators B | 2015 |
8 | A novel optical pH sensor for high acidic regions based on 1,3-bisdicyanovinylindane Chemical Sensors | S. rouhani | On progress | 2012 |
9 | A Review on Analytical Procedures Azo Dyes in the Food Industry | Shohre Rouhani - Azam Pirkarimi | Journal of Studies in Color World | 2018 |
10 | A Review on Flourescense Sensores Based on Bronic acides for Sacharides Detection | Mojgan Mahdiani - Shohre Rouhani - Payam Zahedi | Journal of Studies in Color World | 2020 |
11 | A Selective Membrane Electrode for Thiocyanate Ion Based on a Copper-1,8-Dimethyl-1,3,6,8,10,13-hexaazayclotetradecane Complex as Ionophore | T. Poursaberi - M. Salavati-Niassari - S. Khodabakhsh - L. Haji-agha Babaei - M. Shamsipur - M. Yousefi - S. Rouhani and M. R. Ganjali | Analytical Letters | 2001 |
12 | A time-insensitive colorimetric sensor for the determination of total protein | Bahram Hemmateenejad Arezoo Shahrivar-kevishahi - Fatemeh Shakerizadeh Shirazi. Shohre - Rouhani and Fereshteh Mohamadi-Gharaghani | RSC Advances | 2016 |
13 | An Overview on Polymer Electrolytes for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells | Mozhgan Hosseinnezhad - Shohreh Rouhani | Basparesh | 2018 |
14 | Application of Azo Dye as Sensitizer in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells | M. Hosseinnezhad and S. Rouhani | Progress in Color, Colorants and Coatings | 2015 |
15 | Breast cancer drug delivery by novel drug‑loaded chitosan‑coated magnetic nanoparticles | Taherian, A. - N. Esfandiari, - S. Rouhani | Cancer Nanotechnology | 2021 |
16 | Characteristics of nanostructure dye-sensitized solar cells using food dyes | M. Hosseinnezhad And S. Rouhan | Opto-Electronics Review | 2016 |
17 | Characterization of the interaction between a new merocyanine dye and bovine serum albumin | F Samari - B Hemmateenejad - M Shamsipur - S Rouhani - F Esfandiyari | Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society | 2016 |
18 | Cobalt(II)-Selective Coated Graphite Membrane Electrode Based on a Recently Synthesized Dibenzopyridino-Substituted MacrocyclicDiamide | M. Shamsipur - S. Rouhani - T. Poursaberi - M. R. Ganjali - H. Sharghi and K. Niknam | Electroanalysis | 2002 |
19 | Cobalt(II)-Selective Membrane Electrode Based on a Recently Synthesized Benzo-Substituted MacrocyclicDiamide | M. Shamsipur - T. Poursaberi - S. Rouhani - K. Niknam - H. Sharghi and M. R. Ganjali | Analytical Sciences | 2001 |
20 | Copper(II)-Selective Membrane Electrode Based on a Recently Synthesized MacrocyclicDiamide | M. Shamsipur - S. Rouhani - M. R. Ganjali - H. Eshghi and H. Sharghi | Microchemical Journal | 1999 |